For those that may not know, I got a job at Linden Lab, the creators of Second Life. I really enjoy what I do, and I find this reduces the urge to work on recreational programming on the kinds of things that I enjoy. (It has also seemed to reduce my blog output to almost nil.)
I've had a project on the back burner for a while that involves pushing data into LSL (the Linden Scripting Language runtime that Second Life uses) over Comet.
And it works amazingly well! Of course, I just had to toss REST in there as well.
I'll release this code as open source next week. Meanwhile, here's a movie to show you what the hell I am talking about. I also like how this movie shows off the surreal aspect of collaborative programming!
This works with the standard HTTPRequest?
(posted here since you must have went to bed and might miss my twitter of the same effect. :)
Yes, it uses the standard llHTTPRequest. I had to modify mulib slightly to work around the fact that llHTTPRequest doesn't let you use an appropriate content-type. Now mulib understands "text/*" as being a request from lsl, and emits a crippled serialization format that's easy to parse from lsl.
Funny, twitter seems to show a bunch of followers twitter didn't tell me about. Usually I follow people that follow me.
I have committed the backend to this to mulib. Check out mulib and take a look at the cube example.
nice post
Pepakura Designer Crack
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