I'm at PyCon this week. PyCon is my favorite conference, ever. This year it is better than ever, with tons of people at the sprints and lots of activity.
amk told me "if you're sprinting and have gotten something
accomplished, please weblog it.", so I am :-)
Zac Bir and I sprinted on a simple PyObjC app which scratches a simple itch I have occasionally. He describes it more eloquently than I could.
While MacGregor is incredibly cool and fun, the exciting Nevow related thing I completed is LiveTest, a browser-based functional web testing framework. Since it lives in the browser and triggers actual browser events, it is capable of testing highly JavaScript based apps, such as LivePage apps. There is an example of using it to test a LivePage application, LiveAnimal, in Nevow now.
Finally, I released Nevow 0.4! There are lots of improvements and bugfixes in this release, which is available for download from here.